Strategic partnership for sustainability
The Hungarian Sustainability Professionals Network (formerly GBA Network), the professional association of Hungarian sustainability managers, and KÖVET Association for a Sustainable Economy will continue their work together as strategic partners from January 2025....
LIFE FFR 2 project presentation for the KÖVET Board
On 17 January 2025, the KÖVET Association Board held its annual strategic planning meeting with the KÖVET staff. During the meeting, Katalin Herner presented to the Board the technical objectives, partners, 3-year tasks, and related events of this year's LIFE FFR 2...
“Pass it back, bro!” – By the end of 2024, the campaign will have reached 8,260 tonnes!
The amount of mobile phones collected in the 6-year "Pass it back, Bro!" campaign by the end of 2024: 90 collection points - 260 kg Changes and reorganisations in waste collection have also affected our campaign. The enthusiasm, positive feedback and hard work of the...
Christmas Greetings
6th KÖVET ESG Club – Biodiversity programme at Saint-Gobain Hungary Kft.
We kindly invite you to the 6th KÖVET ESG Club meeting, which is free of charge for our members and 20.000 HUF for (not yet) members. Date: 26 June 2024 (Wednesday) 14:00-16:00. Location: Saint-Gobain Hungary Kft., (2085 Pilisvörösvár, Bécsi út 07/5 hrsz.) Programme:...
LIFE Fit for REACH-2 project
Fit for REACH-2 expands: Hungary joins the fight for safer chemicals management The LIFE Fit for REACH-2 (FFR-2) project, which aims to improve chemical risk management (CRM) and sustainable practices in businesses, is expanding beyond the Baltic region. With the idea...
Erasmus+ Clicks On Act project
The Erasmus+ Clicks On Act (2024-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000250090) is a 3-year international project aiming to introduce, transfer and put into practice the methodology of carbon footprint calculation and footprint reduction in partner secondary schools in the country,...
LIFE19 CCA/HU/001320 LIFE-CLIMCOOP Cities and local businesses working together for climate adaptation The climate is changing. Let's adapt together! Local adaptation - to global climate change. Cooperative solutions for local climate adaptation by cities and...
LIFE pro ETV project
LIFEproETV project with KÖVET Association On 1 September 2020 the international LIFEproETV project was launched, in which KÖVET Association participates as a consortium member with the Polish lead partner. Our task is to actively participate in the promotion and...
Erasmus+ Build Green project
From April 2020 to December 2023, the Erasmus+ Build Green adult education project was implemented by KÖVET Association in Hungary. The project, launched in partnership between Hungary, Greece and Spain, focuses on climate change and energy and resource conservation....
“Pass it back, bro!” Campaign
KÖVET Association's mobile phone take-back campaign is linked to the "Pass it Back, Bro" campaign of the Jane Goodall Institute, the Foundation for Africa and the Association for the Protection of Africa. The aim is to collect as many mobile phones as possible that...